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sant inse mission facade

A Brief History of Mission Santa Inés 

Now bordering the town of Solvang with its distinctive Danish architecture and shops, this Mission survived an earthquake in 1812 and an Indian revolt in 1824.

CMT Detail

An Elegant Display Map

Over the years, we have looked for maps related to the California Missions Trail (CMT) in books, archive libraries, and online. We have found intriguing maps published in the 1800s, 1900s, and this century. We love old maps. However, when we discovered the contemporary …

Mission San Miguel

A Brief History of Mission San Miguel

Established as number 16 out of 21, Mission San Miguel has a unique feature: its interior murals, initially painted in the 1800s by Catholic Salinan Indians, have never been retouched or repainted. The Mission is a State and National Historic Landmark. Spanish Era Father …


A Tour of Early California Architecture from San Diego to Sonoma

The Spanish missions of California represent the state’s oldest and richest architectural legacy. Established in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century by Franciscan missionaries, the missions were designed by artisans from Mexico, and built and decorated largely by Native Americans. Learn More The California …

old mission san buenaventura basilica

A Brief History of Mission San Buenaventura

All that remains of the original mission is the church and its garden. A small museum sits at the mission with displays of Chumash Indian artifacts and mission-era items. Located in the historic downtown of Ventura, very few California missions had the center of business …

on the california missions trail

Guess Who is Walking the Trail from Sonoma to San Diego?

In his latest project, travel guide and author Sanford “Sandy” Brown is making preparations to write a guidebook for the California Missions Trail, the 815-mile walking/biking itinerary…